Sunday, February 22, 2009

Friends from far away

Charlotte was on a business trip to Southern California, we drove to Long beach and spend a afternoon reminiscing of old days, and of course we also talked about Politics and how to fix the economy, ha! ha!
We are looking forward to June when we get to see her again, next time I hope we have time to play cards

shoulder surgery

Sammy had surgery on his left shoulder, he is doing well, he will be home for the next 2 months, see there is another reason I can " blog " a lot.,,, he had 9 staples ouch!

He got tired of sponge bahts so here I covered the wound so he can shower. It worked.
If I recalled I wrap my foot and went on the river. Nothing stops us, yet!!
We went to see a movie today, " TAKEN" it was great, we recommend it.

Nut about macadamias

A friend from my husband work gave us some "nuts" from his tree, so I guess Macadamias can grow in San Diego too!

They have the hardest shells and not one but 2 They are so delicious.


I'm late with my " Valentines" whishes . but you are all in my heart. in Feb. and every day of every month.

signs of spring

Jan. and Feb. bought us some much need it showers, when I wen out to the yard I go some petty signs that spring is approaching.