Saturday, August 23, 2008

pickles and brownies for Isis

this is what my nice Isis " craves" can you guess why!

December is the happy month, a new member of the family will arrive!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


My nice Susanna is going away to college I will be making her a pillow case with this fabric.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

last month

I had another birthday,( I got to quit!! ) Omar, Tracy and caiden took us to dinner. D/H took this picture, thanks Sammy

Caiden had a birthday too, he turned 3 (07/26/08) I didn't take him to dinner I took
balloons to his Day Care. but no camera. So I have no pictures,

We had an invite to his house, dinner, presents,cake and I again I forgot my camera.

I have no pictures of My sister,Caiden"s and Isis, who just got back in town and had a birthday on 08/05/08 have not seen her yet!! Carmen's birthday is coming up, I best to get the camera ready.

My "boss" and all other managers, and "sales" personnel had a surprise cake for me on the day of our "Graco think blue sale"